9 - Precious Radar

When we go on walks with Precious, it is full radar alert time.  The ears go up, face forward, and the sight tracking begins.  There is not one sound she doesn't respond to.  She has exceptional hearing.  Not a big fan of trash trucks and school buses.  However, she's done really well with other dogs.  Interested, but non aggressive.  She's a good girl...


Michelle said…
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Hi. I think there was a question related to Precious and greyhounds in general. About our experience with how controllable they are, etc. From our experience so far, although powerful, greyhounds (really just speaking about Precious) are not "uncontrollable." She's pulled no more than any other dog on a leash and has settled into walking nicely. I think having a loop around your wrist is a must, since their reaction time is so quick, in case something happens. At first, she was interested in small animals but since we've walked and met many types of dogs and animals along the way, she's accepted them as part of her routine. As far as having a greyhound in a screened in porch etc. that is hard to answer without seeing the location. However, in my opinion, I would not rely on just a screen for enclosure. Precious has been very respectful of gates so they certainly work, at least for her. Overall, from what I've experienced, they are relaxed, even tempered companions.

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